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Revit 2017 What’s New - Graphical Rebar Constraints Management

Now you can experience an improved reinforcement workflow with new in-canvas tools that replace the Rebar Constraints dialog box in Revit 2017.

You can place rebar more precisely with the graphical constraints manager. You can place standard rebar shapes that snap to adjacent standard rebar or constrain them to host faces.

The user interface highlights each rebar segment that can be constrained, along with available targets. The snap constraint maintains its relationship when you place, move, drag, or copy rebar.

Watch Video below for more information.

Video & Screen Shot - Graphical Rebar Constraints Management

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1277 Hits

Revit 2017 What’s New – Improved Software Performance

Overall, Revit 2017 is the fastest and best performing Revit yet.

With the improved performance, Revit now:

  • Displays only the visible elements of a view and does not draw elements that are hidden
  • Processes color fills in the background
  • Navigates models more smoothly and continuously

Watch Video below for more information.

Video & Screen Shot - Improved Software Performance


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Revit 2017 What’s New – Built in Dynamo

Dynamo visual programming platform is now fully integrated with Revit and no longer requires an additional download. It provides you with powerful scripting capability without any additional installation. It’s also accessible to non-programmers and programmers.

With Revit 2017, you can now have your complex geometric and data problems solved faster with a fully integrated visual programming interface.

Watch Video below for more information.

Video & Screen Shot - Built-in Dynamo


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Revit 2017 What’s New – Schedule Improvements

In Revit 2017, Schedules have been enhanced in a few areas. In order to simplify the reuse of schedules, you can create a schedule view template. Schedule view templates include parameters for Fields, Filter, Sorting/Grouping, Formatting, Appearance, and Phase Filter.

The Schedule Properties dialog has been improved to facilitate schedule creation and modification. You can also now display minimum values, maximum values, or both minimum and maximum values for calculations in columns.

Watch Video below for more information.

Video & Screen Shot - Schedule Improvements

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1211 Hits

Revit 2017 What’s New – Calculate Annotation Tags

Annotation tags now allow calculated values and obey pin restrictions. You can also create a tag with a calculation in it and use it with any tag type. When you reposition an element, a pinned tag remains in place while its leader adjusts to accommodate the new position of the element.

A pinned tag does not relocate when the leader is turned on and off and when set to Free end. Additionally, the leader of a pinned tag does not change its shape when you switch from Free end to Attached end.

Watch Video below for more information.

Video & Screen Shot - Calculate Annotation Tags

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1088 Hits

Revit 2017 What’s New – Global Parameter Enhancements

Global parameters have been enhanced in Revit 2017. Now you can associate global parameters with a type property for an element and with instance or type project parameters.

You can also assign a global parameter to a group for better organization as well as move and sort global parameters within their assigned groups. Select the "Show Label in View" option to display the global parameter name with the dimension value and better understand how and where global parameters are used in a model.

You can also filter a schedule by global parameter association to help find elements that have a global parameter association or are missing an association. And last but not least, you can transfer global parameters between projects.

Watch Video below for more information.

Video & Screen Shot - Global Parameter Enhancements

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948 Hits

Revit 2017 What’s New – Autodesk Raytracer Rendering Engine

Autodesk Raytracer is now the only visualization engine in Revit. It is based on physically more accurate lights, materials, and reflected light and enables great visualization with better performance.

Raytracer greatly improves performance, as there is a notable increase in speed when using Raytracer. You get more physically based rendering results that are more accurate.

Watch Video below for more information.

Video & Screen Shot - Enhanced Autodesk Raytracer


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1444 Hits

Revit 2017 What’s New – Tangency Locks

Tangency Locks allows you to place tangency locks to sketch lines, and works when in the sketch editor and family editor.  It works anytime you are sketching a shape (like a floor, ceiling, etc.)  It works when creating geometry in the family editor.  However, it does not work for model lines or reference lines.

You can lock the various lines when sketching to avoid accidentally moving them.

Watch Video below for more information.

Video & Screen Shot - Tangency Locks

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1015 Hits

Revit 2017 What's New - Depth cueing

Depth Cueing lets you add depth to elevations and sections to create stunning visuals to better communicate your design.

This functionality works with shadows on, realistic, hidden lines, sketchy lines, ambient shadows, anti-aliasing and more.  It works in any view effect.  When you turn it on, you can control where the depth starts, stops, and the limits.

You have control over the effect in order to meet your needs.  Designed for Architects, depth cueing adds pop to your elevations and sections in either architecture or coordination views.

Watch Video below for more information

Video & Screen Shot - Depth Cueing

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966 Hits

Revit 2017 What’s New – Autodesk Insight 360

Autodesk Revit 2017 includes access to Autodesk Insight 360 as part of your Revit subscription. Insight 360 provides Revit users with a fast, intuitive, outcomes-driven guide to better building energy and environmental performance throughout the building lifecycle. 

By simply applying a geographical location and utilizing Revit’s automatic Energy Analytical Model, Insight 360 empowers architects and integrated teams with clear guidance and recommendations powered by widely used simulation engines that lead to better building performance outcomes. Instantly reveal a range of potential design outcomes through the Energy Cost Range factors to help you quickly identify key energy performance drivers and compare design scenarios.

Insight 360 integrates many exiting workflows such as Revit Energy Analysis and Lighting Analysis, as well as expanding on these tools to provide a holistic approach to building performance. Access to EnergyPlus heating and cooling load data and in-context solar analysis results are also included in Insight 360.

Watch Video below for more information.

Video & Screen Shot - Autodesk Insight 360

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